It was a chilly day in January weather in the student lounge room at Duke University. With keyboards clicking and English-spoken conversations occurring, another peaceful time at this beautiful university transpired. This calmness was then brutally interrupted by a group of international students having a conversation that “not everyone on the floor could understand.” The other students gasped at the offense, horrified at another language being spoken in their presence. How could they? Do they have any decency? It was only natural, then, for Assistant Professor and Director of Graduate Studies of Duke University Megan Neely to send an email that addressed the matter shortly after. In its contents, Neely informed that, according to two of her faculty members, this group of students was conversating “very loudly” and was “impolite” enough to not take into account the feelings of those around them. Later on in the email, she advised international students as a whole to “keep these unintended consequences in mind.” 

Despite the criticism this message received, it was a very understandable, well-phrased approach to solve the issue. How can these students even think that they speak their native language in such a public setting? Why, is it not common knowledge that foreign individuals must set aside their most practical form of communication to align with English proficiency? 

This reminds me of the reasonable treatment my mother has experienced throughout her time in the states. Sure, she could turn a comment on the weather to a lecture on the world beyond. However, in today’s America, the ability to speak English is the most important factor of a person’s intellect. What good is it to have an in-depth understanding of the world when one’s English syntax isn’t up to par? 

This prioritization of the English Language is the surface of the essentiality and beauty of uniformity. Why bring diversity into the equation when the unification of Americans can be set as a goal? That is why the well-informed method of Ethnical Profiling is a tool that must be utilized. 

For instance, last month, President Trump used ethnical profiling to tell four congresswomen, all of whom were in the racial minority, via social media to return to the country they originated from. This action, despite the anger it’s caused, was the most intelligible way to address another person. Yes, only one of these women was actually foreign-born, but how else are we supposed to treat minorities? With such foreign appearances that reminds us of terrorists and gang members (because, of course, every person who even remotely racially fits these stereotypes should be labeled as such), they are practically just asking to be told to leave the country they are all entitled citizenship to. 

Like these congresswomen, there are many who encounter, as they should, ethnical profiling rather than judgment on their character and accomplishments; In fact, 50 percent of African Americans feel racially discriminated during interactions with law enforcement, 57 percent during situations discussing equal pay or job promotions and 56 percent during job applications according to a 2017 survey. But again, what can there be to complain about? Is it not natural to not receive opportunities that are up to one’s par due to his or her appearance? I mean, how much could there be underneath the color of their skin? 

We all see the United States being represented as the symbol of cultural diversity, the land of immigrants, the list goes on. Nevertheless, ethnical profiling should continue to be practiced, because why not judge an individual based on external factors rather than their achievements? Likewise, why not stay away from your African American neighbor and ignore the love and dedication he instills in his children? Why not become annoyed at the accents of women like my mother and brush off their intelligence as human beings? Why not advise international students to not speak their own language and turn a blind eye on such an illogical concept that no language is more important than another? Why not simply stay ignorant of those who seem different from us instead of trying to understand them? 

Now, with this heightened increase in ethnical profiling and racially motivated happenings, we can progress into a bright future for America with ease.